Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kylie Jenner says YES when asked if she is going to marry boyfriend Tyga

All aboard the party bus! Tyga, Gigi, Kylie and their pals disembark at The Nice Guy for Bieber's partyAltogether now: Kylie leaned on her man's sturdy form as she tottered out of the van, closely followed by her best pal
Kylie Jenner key to marry rapper boyfriend Tygaif he pop the question. While leaving the AMA after party at The Nice Guy in West Hollywood, Kylie was asked if she was going to marry the 26-year-old, and in a video, she could be heard quickly answering: 'Yes.' watch video after the cut.

Though they were spotted together, Tyga kept mum when asked about marriage plans, letting Kylie do the talking.   

Earlier in the night the two had been pictured holding his hand as they headed off to Justin Bieber's party after the American Music Awards.
Kylie smiled proudly, as she walked beside her older boyfriend while leaving Kendall Jenner's apartment. 

Night out: Kylie had nipped back to her big sister's luxury home to slip out of her revealing leather and chain AMA outfit and into a little white dress
Ladies' night: Tyga seemed unfazed at the prospect of hanging with the girls
Thigh's the limit! Kylie's eyewateringly small dress left little to the imaginatio

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