Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Husband lists all the things that make his wife cry - and they're hilarious

Aaron Gillies with wife Lex Gellies
Aaron Gillies, from London, noticed that his wife, Lex, was one of those people that cries for anything and decided to share his disbelief and amusement in the best possible way. The 28-year-old, also known as TechnicallyRon on social media, wrote a nine-point list of things that had reduced Lex, 31, to tears. see the list after the cut

He then shared the list, headed, "Reasons my wife is crying", on Twitter and Imgur.
Alongside it, he wrote: "My wife cries at absolutely anything. I mean, ANYTHING."
The top entry reads: "She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice."
Brilliantly, further down the list, it says: "She remembered swans can be gay."
Another highlight is: "She was hungover and saw a picture of a piglet."
However, it isn't just cute animals that get the waterworks started.
It appears that a shock will do the trick, too.

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