Thursday, October 22, 2015

Woman who gave birth on plane deported and faces paying £21,000 compensation to the airline

Woman gives birth on plane
A heavily pregnant Taiwanese woman who dramatically gave birth on a packed passenger plane allegedly sneaked onto the flight so she could have the baby in the US have been greatly disappointed after she was deported and also faces paying £21,000 compensation after failing to tell the airline she was 36 weeks pregnant.

She allegedly refused to lie flat to give birth and kept asking "are we in America yet?", reported.
Jian was separated from her child on Saturday after the newborn was awarded US citizenship, the news site claims.

The mother was deported back to Taiwan but the baby girl remains in America with a family friend as she is too young to fly.

Taiwan's Minister of Transport and Communications Chen Jian-yu said the diversion and extra costs incurred came to more than £21,000 and the company want Jian to pay it back.

 China Airlines Boeing 777

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