Thursday, October 22, 2015

Teenage girl almost savaged to death by a bull dog she stepped of a bus

Bethan Williams, 18, suffered horrific bites to her leg when the out-of-control dog attacked her as she stepped off a crowded bus in Cardiff, Wales. She had just finished working a late shift at British Gas when the dog pounced on her legs as she climbed off the bus, and began growling at her despite its owner yelling at it to calm down.

She said: 'I was screaming and it jumped on to my foot. It chased me and got on to my leg. 'Apparently I passed out and was on the floor. The next thing I remember is being driven to hospital. 'I was howling in pain for three hours until they gave me pain killers. I literally thought I was going to die.'

The call centre worker, who already had a phobia of dogs, said even feared for her life when the bull terrier began viciously tearing away at her legs at the bus stop

The teenager, of Ely, Cardiff, was taken to the University Hospital of Wales for emergency treatment before being transferred to Morriston Hospital in Swansea for plastic surgery to the deep wounds on her leg (pictured)

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